After escaping from a sex trafficking ring, one teenage girl struggles to reconnect with herself and her family. To rescue her helpless friends, she must confront her own fears and help lead the polic...
弗格森的自传电影《Sir Alex Ferguson: Never Give In》将于5月27日在英国戏院上映,然后在5月29日在 Amazon Prime上架。这套由弗格森次子Jason Ferguson执导的电影,纪录了弗格森的一生,而电影的副题是,指出弗格森由出生地加文区(Govan)到他成为伟大领队的一生,相信一众曼联迷会相当期待。...
Abducted off the sidewalk of suburban America, fifteen year old Dani finds herself submerged in the horrific underground world of human trafficking. With no initial assistance from the police, Dani's ...