Five carpoolers travel in a motorhome to reach a common destination. Night falls, and to avoid a dead animal carcass, they crash into a tree. When they come to their senses, they find themselves in th...
音乐人鲁迪(艾伦·卡明 Alan Cumming 饰)在从事变装表演时邂逅地区检察官保罗(加瑞特·迪拉胡特 Garret Dillahunt 饰),两人一见钟情。晚上回家后鲁迪被邻居喧哗搅得无法休息,当他气势汹汹的上门投诉,却惊讶发现原来屋里只有一个叫马可(埃萨克·莱瓦 Isaac Leyva 饰)的矮胖男孩。鲁迪尝试联络保罗商量对策,但由于马可存在先天智力缺陷,妈妈又因为吸毒而被捕,很快家庭福利...
刚刚结束牢狱之灾的纳尔逊•曼德拉(摩根•弗里曼 Morgan Freeman 饰),竞选南非总统成功。他领导人们破除种族隔离制度,并身先士卒,雇佣白人护卫队,在各方面建立不同肤色的沟通。作为1995年橄榄球世界杯的东道主,南非重回国际体育大家庭。不过,南非的英式橄榄球队——队员均为白人的跳羚队,却被很多黑人看做种族歧视的代名词。为了破除隔膜,曼德拉高瞻远瞩,支持跳羚队与国外来访球队的交流比赛。他接...
A funny and irresistible story of a young girl who literally cannot see or hear her mother, even though she is living with her under the same roof. With the help of an eccentric psychiatrist, and a lo...