诡异的金融迷局,令俄罗斯联邦安全局(FSB)盯上了逡巡在摩纳哥的俄罗斯商人伊万·罗斯托夫斯基(蒂姆·罗斯 Tim Roth 饰)。在此之后,FSB探员莫瑞斯(让·杜雅尔丹 Jean Dujardin 饰)及其团队来到此地,他授意成员与在投资、贸易等领域见长的美国女人爱丽丝·雷德蒙德(西西·迪·法兰丝 Cécile De France 饰)取得联系,希望借助爱丽丝之手进入罗斯托夫斯基的圈子,以取得他...
The project from showrunner Taylor Sheridan follows patriarch Jacob (Ford) and matriarch Cara (Mirren) and explores “the early 20th century, when pandemics, historic drought, the end of Prohibition an...
Follows Sara, who recently divorced and decided to register for a 'From Fear to Love' retreat on the Italian volcanic island of Stromboli but she is confronted with the painful past she has been tryin...
缉毒小队“破坏者”在队长约翰·沃顿(阿诺·施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger 饰)的率领下闯入臭名昭著的贩毒团伙奥加尔萨联盟的据点,经过一轮激烈的交锋,小队一名成员战死,而现场丢失的一千万美元现金也让“破坏者”的所有成员遭到了上层组织的调查。未过多久,高层指示约翰和成员们各就各位,重新开始行动。谁知未过多久,小队成员接二连三死于非命。似乎奥加尔萨为了丢失的巨款恼羞成怒,正展开疯狂...