犯罪风潮正在席卷城市,哈里上尉和他的蹩脚助手已经对肆虐城市的威尔逊•海兹团伙无能为力。上峰不满,派来强援协助哈里,于是拉萨雷指挥官再次归来,上一集中表现出色的尼克和昔日的学员法克勒作为新鲜血液,加入了高塔(Bubba Smith 饰)、卡伦、泰克布雷、琼斯(Michael Winslow 饰)的五人小组,协助拉萨雷展开巡帧工作,但威尔逊一伙人似乎对警方的动向了若指掌,在幕后神秘人的指挥下应对有度。...
In Reasonable Doubt, you'll judge Jax Stewart for her questionable ethics and wild interpretations of the law until you're the one in trouble. Then you'll see her for what she is: the most brilliant a...
En route to meet his estranged daughter and attempting to revive his dwindling career, a broken, aging comedian plays a string of dead-end shows in the Mojave desert....